Just as the relationship is different, in France every girl

We like our romantic Comedy with a happy ending

In us, we love our novelThe search for happiness is in the Declaration of independence, and the search for a happy ending is in our favorite fairy tales. But when it comes to real life, to a no-frills relationship, we really strive for better success.

But French women are so good at it

Often this takes us away from our families and support systems, we are obsessed with our phones and our work, we have to constantly take care of health or child care This is the perfect picture drawn by our favorite Rom-Com. The French tend to push back on perfection, as seen in their completely imperfect style and routine beauty, and as seen in their relationships. And when love is the same, no matter what genres and cultures feel, opinions and beliefs about relationships can be so different. In the country that gave us the city of love might be worth looking at the aspects of relationships that are characteristic of France, and how, in her opinion, true love really works. In the US, it is often thought that the person who meets him should be our best friend. When scrolling through an anniversary article on Instagram ("Happy two years to my best friend"). heart Emoji kissy face Emoji*.) There are a few hints of the tendency to weave a love story with better friendships. I am a religious person myself who is looking for a partner who is also his best friend. After all, you spend so much time with this person, you don't have to be the person who laughs the most, talks about everything, likes everything that you like, and is generally just a good friend. Wouldn't it be boring if you spent your life with someone less than your best friend? But the French attach great importance to keeping the secret of companions and best friends for separated people. In the first place, they know that the mysterious is in the past. Do not go to the toilet with the door open and do not feel the need to tell everything to your partner (this is, of course, different from keeping secrets, which never change even in modern relations between the French, people and people). You don't have to do everything together, and you prefer that you have at least some interests, friends, and routine. This may not sound too deep or French I'm sure your mother and your therapist have been saying this since you were a priest. They did not even imagine that they would find satisfaction in a man or in a relationship. They make sure that they satisfy themselves first and then find a long-term partner for their journey, rather than a new life that requires them to give life to their own. It is not only for the French to maintain their independence in their relationships, but also to always make sure that their partners know that they are extremely confident in themselves, even if this is not true). Whether it's a first date or a ten-year marriage, French women don't complain to their romantic partners about growing belly fat, bloating, or how old they think they are. All the necessary (minor) complaints are reserved for the girl's friends over a glass of wine. They believe that as long as you tell and show your partner that you are beautiful, young, thin, etc, this is their opinion of you. And perhaps even more important, this is what they think of you. The wedding, in General, built in WE are the end of all our favorite ROM-coms this is the perfect wedding photo.

I've never stopped crying over the endings of"refugee Brides"or"the little Mermaid,"even if in one of them they ride horses into the sunset like the most banal cliche of all time, and in others they leave their father and friends to be with a man who never really talks (I have a weakness for a well-ending wedding fable).

We all want to believe that marriage automatically leads to a happy life life after death. We don't care what happens to Ariel and Eric after the wedding, because we just assume that they are forever in love and that everything is perfect. Orsola is dead, Ariel has legs, and they got married on a fantasy boat, which might otherwise have been wrong. But even though our hearts are selling like hot cakes, we mostly know better. We know that marriage requires hard work and patience, and it ends in divorce. And we still have a chance to subscribe to the idea that marriage is the end of a fairy tale. But the French know that the fairy tale goes much further after the wedding bells stop ringing, or that wedding bells are not needed at all.

Overall, fewer people are getting married in France.

For Americans, marriage is considered the natural next step in a relationship in which they are committed to each other for life and therefore want to be religious and legal.

In France, religion as a whole is on the decline, which means that people are seeing less and less of the need for religious freedom.

a religious Union.

The number of civil unions is also increasing, which means that the number of legal marriages is decreasing. The French believe that marriage is not everything that cracks in US, and people tend to think of it as one of many steps in a relationship that a couple may or may not accept as a happy ending. For this reason, if a couple does not get married, do not assume that the marriage will be happy and contented forever. They never stopped supporting romance, whether they were married or not, and never got married for the sake of a fairytale ending. You can expect the country where the city of love is located to be the most idealistic and romantic, but when it comes to relationships, they are actually very realistic. True, the French are one of the most romantic places for lovers in the world, but they know how to fall in love and remain extremely logical. While the Americans are moving by action, love me, dislike me, while picking the petals outside of the flowers, the French say. Maybe that's letting you down the result is that from an early age, the French are taught to think about love, about the absoluteness of living in love, or about total rejection, but in many ways love can be. Americans are always looking for a happy ending or a complete end to a relationship, but the French are happy with the ambiguity and range of average relationship results for enthusiasts. The French aren't really Dating like we are in WE.

In fact, they don't even have a word of French for a date.

The equivalent is a rendezvous, which can also describe anything from seeing a doctor to having coffee with a friend. Dating (romantic date) is old-fashioned, too intense, and rarely used. People tend to meet potential partners in groups and social contexts, rather than in one-on-one conversations. Even if You have time for a personal meeting, if you decide to take a walk or visit a Museum, as we all know, You avoid an awkward first date, which is more like an awkward interview than one meeting a potential romantic partner. Once this acquaintance is made, it is very much assumed that this is an exclusivity that does not need to be talked about, because exclusivity is implied.

One-to-one is a serious step.

Facebook instagram posts are not very popular in France, believe it or not, to remind people of their monthly memorable days or Facebook posts, so that all their friends know how happy they are. In fact, many couples are reserved, even among friends, and don't always want to look like a couple's officers. Discreteness is fundamental to a relationship, and a couple often defines the intimacy they maintain with each other.

It is assumed that a personal relationship (and love in General) is completely personal.

Our favorite newspaper marriage ads are worth shocking the French, because the weddings written in the Newspapers are only for sovereignty or glory, not for ordinary people, because you want to, so that a friend, not to mention a stranger, knows your personal details and intimate details.

Jo Piazza's book"How to be married"(What I learned from the Royal women of five continents, about how to get through your first really hard year of marriage), an interview with a French woman who says:"It's a job."He still has to win me every day, and I have to make sure that he wants me every day. I have to make an effort, and that's the most important thing: I want to do this job. This sums up the idea of marriage in France, even the best marriages and long-term relationships require a lot of work. But it's not just trivial things like compromises that require work to keep a working relationship exciting, courting, pursuing, sparking a spark of desire, and being always in love.

Another woman explains:"When you go out to dinner, put your damn phone away and don't talk about work, Laundry, or broken toilets."Can a man talk to his mistress about a place? In other words, it's not her fault.

the priority is to preserve the romance."Don't pick up a little quarrel, don't talk about small things."And above all, it is never boring."They have deliberately traded happily for a commitment to work for the person they want to spend their life with."And maybe it's true love.

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